
Welcome to the English part of our website.

Both Preeclampsia and HELLP-syndrome can be life-threatening conditions in pregnancy for both mother and child.
The main symptoms are high blood pressure (> 140/90 repeatedly or >160/100 once), Protein found in your Urine,
swollen legs, arms, face up too whole body oedema.

Severe Headaches, visual disturbances, nausea and vomiting other than in early pregnancy and abdominal  pain in the upper right quadrant.

If you live in Germany and wish to Consult us in English contact us via E-Mail and ask for Isabell Wilke or Sabine Föhl-Kuse.

If you wish for a consultation in arabic, please get in touch via E-Mail and we will forward your Information to our contact PD Dr. med. Amr Hamza, Senior Physician for Obstetrics and Foetalmedicine at Kantonspital Baden, Switzerland.

If you live outside Germany you may be able to find a support group in your own country:

HELLP Stichting Nederlands

Pre Eclampsia Org in the US

Other groups available in Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy and more,

Addresses and more information will be added soon.

If in doubt do not hesitate to contact us in any case. Please send us an email to  → Kontaktformular
adressing your enquiry to Isabell Wilke or Sabine Föhl-Kuse.
We can arrange an Appointment for an Englisch Consultation to answer all your Questions. 


There is a leaflet available in Arabian explaining in short about the condition Preeclampsia.

Please fill in the contact form if you are interesting, this leaflet is free of charge and comes with postage paid by us.

Zuletzt geändert am 23.02.2025 00:18 Uhr